Leather. I'd been wanting to go to the barrio of Ville Crespo for a while to check out the leather district. There is a 2 block stretch along calle Murillo in between Scalabrini Ortiz and Acevedo that is one leather store after another. We looked around and, for me, the Paseo del Cuero had the best quality and styles. A nice leather coat will run you from US$150 to $200 at pretty much any of the stores there. This isn't the only place in Buenos Aires to buy a leather jacket. There are high-end stores downtown in Recoleta or along the Florida Peatonal, but I believe that the coats there cost a bit more for the location and all. Plus, Buenos Aires has shopping districts - Once for textiles and clothing, Boedo for electronics, Chacarita for auto accesories (I haven't been looking to buy a car stereo; I only know this because afterwards we walked in the general direction we needed to go to catch the bus home while looking for a place to eat, which wasn't easy to find; everything was car and motorcycle accessories). Murillo in Ville Crespo is the place to go for leather coats, so why not. Plus, if you are staying in or go to Palermo Soho, as almost everyone visiting Buenos Aires does, Murillo is only a 10-15 minute walk away.

In the evening we got ice cream at heladeria Leoyak on the corner of Avenida Asamblea and Emilio Mitre (you can just see the lights from the ice cream shop on the left side of the above photo) and took it across the street to Parque Chacabuco. It was a beautiful evening and the park was full. We sat and watched toddlers ride around the plaza in the little motorized jeeps pictured below, which were for hire from one of the guys over there.
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